Exhibition Space Planning for "Light at Doors and Gates" Project Course 
Teamwork with the guidance of Prof. Hackl Klaus & Prof. Merino Ignacio

The exhibition took place during my exchange semester at UNIZ University, Bolzano, Italy
We had to deal with entrance spaces and design lighting solutions in this course.
In the exhibition space, we wanted to bring the visitors the experience of the entrance and street.
Our first decision was to create simple modules, in fixed sizes, made from wood and cardboard.
The next step was to understand what kind of lamps we have in the class, and what are the needs of every student
After that, we summed up 3 big modules, 3 "doors, steps and arch.

The floor flow was the next step.
To create the best feeling, we tried several options of "piazza", street, and other settings.
The chosen setting was a combination of a piazza and a street view.
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