This year, in the Department of industrial design exhibition was divided to five different themes.
every theme represented a different field that the students created, and each theme got its own color.
In the exhibition space every area was dedicated to different theme and divided by the colors in area and details.
The main inspiration in the design was the new building of Bezalel Academy.
The sharp angles and unique view points are some of the buildings strength. On the other hand I wanted to create a feeling of innovation, imagination and randomness.
The combination of the colors and shapes gave me the prefect canvas for it
Because of the challenging navigation of the new space, we decided to create a map, which we added to a brochure with explanation about the exhibition and the themes.
The map contains the location where every graduate of the department is presenting.
In the exhibition space we gave every graduate a number, according to its place on the map. The number color was related to the theme. 
To attract people from upstairs, from the balcony, I added stripes of color to the display frames. the color was visible only from above
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